Where Should You Buy A Home?

We’ve all heard the old adage “location, location, location”. But what does that really mean when you’re looking to buy a home? Generally the phrase means “The 3 most important things in determining the value of Real Estate is location, location, location.” There is debate on when and who coined the popular term first, and you can read an interesting article on the subject in the New York Times written by William Safire.

For our discussion today though, we are going to look a little deeper than just value.

homeThe type of lifestyle you and your family enjoy is a key component on where to buy a home. Do you like a more Urban setting where shops, restaurants and amenities are close by? Maybe even within walking distance? Or would your family prefer a more tranquil Rural setting with a little more privacy? The “stage” your family is in plays a large part in this decision. Younger couples, and singles just starting out tend to want a more urban/city location. Couples that are ready to start a family might want a more suburban/neighborhood kind of feel to raise their children. Before finalizing your decision on location, it’s a very good idea to take a look around the areas in the daytime and at night. This will give the buyer a more comprehensive idea of the neighborhoods they are considering.

Family location buy a homeWhere are your family and friends located? Is it important for you to be close to grandma? Or are you looking for that happy balance between close enough to visit, but not right next door.

Buy a home traffic commute jsrealty4uCommuting to your work place is another major factor, especially in our area! Northern Virginia is a growing, busy place to live. Some people are more tolerant of a longer commute than others. Do you want to be within walking distance of public transportation? We have an extensive public transportation system that includes bus services, metro, VRE, carpools, commuter buses, and more. These options can help with commuting to work. Most people still like to drive themselves to work, so knowing how long your commute will be is useful information when deciding on the location of where to buy a home.

Location Buy A Home SchoolFamilies with school age children will want to consider school districts. Although our area has very strong school systems, the curriculum, teaching methods, and educational options available to the students can vary greatly. Buyers should definitely factor in the educational needs of their children and compare the different school options before deciding on where to buy.

A little prior planning and research can help a buyer make the process of finding a home a lot easier if you narrow down your location early on. Then you can really focus in on your desired neighborhoods and find the right home for you!

Download our List of Useful Websites to use for research on schools, amenities, transportation, safety, etc. Please keep in mind that although our list doesn’t encompass every site out there, it’s a great place to start!

Home and Architectural Styles in Brambleton

When you buy a home in Brambleton, you’re buying a community and not just real estate. One of the greatest things Brambleton offers is diversity. What helps drive that diversity is the fact that there are home styles to satisfy the masses. When we think of home styles we often start at the exterior of the home and then look inside. In Brambleton, there are more than 9 different architectural styles to choose from. Below is a quick look at the list and some of the features the exteriors of these homes offer.

Craftsman Styles JS RealtyCraftsman homes have an emphasis on natural materials — wood, stone, and brick. They tend to boast wide front porches. The interior has an open floor plan with features like built-in furniture, big fireplaces and exposed beams.

Styles JSRealty4U HomesThis style is reflective of “today’s modern”, with an emphasis on connecting the indoors with the outdoors. Contemporary homes tend to have an emphasis on energy efficiency, can be made from sustainable materials, and generally have lots of natural light throughout the home.

JS Realty Styles Homes ArchitectureReminiscent of the 1600’s, there are many variations of the Colonial style home due to the diversity of the early American settlers. Homes can be known for their symmetry, and are most often characterized by evenly spaced shuttered windows. Dormers, columns, and chimneys can also be evenly proportioned to complement its formal style.

StylesThe most common type of Colonial home is “Georgian” and it is much simpler in architecture. Like all Colonial styles, Georgian focuses on rigid symmetry. It is most often a box shape and is adorned with windows, which are typically five across, with shutters. They often have paneled front doors below a decorative portico.

Modeled after Roman classicism, this home is basically a Colonial with the addition of wings off to each side of the box shape, and will often have more decorative enhancements than other Colonial styles. Most often they are made of brick, with tall columns and grand curved steps that lead up to the grand entrance.

Prairie Styles Homes Brambleton JS Realty JSRealty4UThe Prairie style was built based on the idea that a home should serve all practical needs and reflect simplicity. The Arts and Crafts Movement was very influential to its design and can feature many of the same concepts, such as built-in furniture, simple materials, and open floor plans. This home may also feature a long flat roof, rows of windows, horizontal lines, and organic patterns.

Brambleton Styles Home For SaleSometimes called a row house but now more commonly known as a townhouse, it became popular in the early 19th century due to limited space and the financial benefits for the architect/builder. Efficiency and use of space is first and foremost and they are typically two or more levels with a traditional layout, side hallways, and smaller yards.

A Tudor home is most often known for steeply pitched, multi-gabled roofs and decorative half-timber framing. They were mostly built in established neighborhoods during the first half of the 20th century. The steep-pitched roofs are perfect for rainy and snowy climates.

JSRealty4U Condo StylesAlso referred to as “Condos”, they are generally built like an apartment with many units in one building. In our area it refers to ownership of the property.  Brambleton actually has townhome styled condos as well.

All of these different architectural styles create not only an interesting visual experience for the neighborhood, but it also attracts all types of personalities, creating a community full of diversity. Brambleton offers a unique selection of homes that meet the needs of families and individuals in all stages of life. We are proud to call Brambleton home and would love to help you learn more about making it your home too!

Have you connected with us on social media? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn for the latest info, open houses, videos, contests, and more!


Buying your first home can be a daunting experience. We’ve put together some guidelines to help facilitate the process. By following these 4 simple “Rules”, you can reduce the stress that comes with buying a home and come out of it owning your own slice of America!

Meeting Realtor Contracts RulesTHE most important tip to buying your first home is to find an experienced Realtor and have an initial consultation. Your Realtor will lay out the entire buying process and give you an idea of what to expect, along with a timeline of the events leading up to you closing on your home. In today’s ever changing market place, being represented by a strong Realtor is paramount. New lending laws, called TRID, went into effect October 1, 2015 and now more than ever your Realtor and lender need to work closely together to make sure you are ready for your settlement date. Your Realtor can also guide you through the nuances of the local market and recommend advice on how to best negotiate through the current market. The initial consultation with your Realtor should also include these questions:

JS Realty Check List Blank Rules-What type of home are you looking for?
-What is important to you in a home?
-What are your preferred locations?
-How will your current living situation affect your purchase?
-Are you currently in a lease?
-When does that lease end? Can you go month to month once your lease ends?
-What are your long term goals?
-Do you foresee a job transfer in the future?
-Do you want to buy a home in move-in condition or are you willing to consider a home that needs work?
-If it needs work, how much? Simple & carpet or do you need to gut the whole house?

Other item to discuss with your Realtor are the costs associated with purchasing a home. Items like inspections and appraisals are paid for by the buyer outside the actual loan itself.

It is essential to get your pre-approval in place by a reputable Lender for many reasons. Mainly, you want to know how much you can comfortably afford. That amount is not always what the Lender says you qualify for. Being qualified for jsrealty4u js realty stamp rulesa certain amount and being comfortable with the payments at that amount can sometimes be different. Say you buy a house worth X amount of dollars, then the down payment and closing costs will be X, and the PITI (principal, interest, taxes, insurance) plus HOA/Condo fees will be X. Once you are comfortable with those amounts, you will have less anxiety looking at homes in your price range. Another reason to get pre-approved is to find out what type of loan you will be using. The type of loan – whether it’s conventional, VA, FHA, or some other program, could make a difference in your home purchase. For example, some condos are not FHA certified, meaning they would not qualify for a FHA loan. This would be important to know before you got your heart set on a condo only to find out you cannot purchase it with your preferred loan program.

JS Realty New Home Rules BuyerSetting out to tour luxury homes can be a fun way to spend an afternoon, and a great way to get design ideas! But don’t set yourself up to be disappointed when you fall in love with a home who’s price is double (or more!) what you have been pre-qualified for. Know your price range, and stick to viewing homes within that budget. You can always incorporate some of those design elements you admire and give your new home that luxury feel.

JSRealty4U Rules InspectionPay close attention to your home inspector at the home inspection. Buyers can gleam a lot of useful information from this inspection. It’s not only to discover the good and bad points of a home, but it also serves as a valuable learning experience. Your home inspector will give you tips on maintaining and up keeping the different components of your home. The home inspector should also point out items that you will need to keep an eye on for future maintenance or replacement. Your home is usually your biggest asset so you want to have as much knowledge as possible about keeping your home in the best condition. A little preventative maintenance here and there can save you thousands of dollars down the road.

If you’re in the market for a home, contact the expert Realtors at the JS Realty Team @ Samson Properties for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation!


Should Your Real Estate Agent Hold an Open House?

Open House Blog Revised February 2018

The JS Realty Team @ Samson Properties believes that an Open House can add value when helping our clients sell their home. Our goal is to sell the home for top dollar in the shortest amount of time possible. From increased traffic to providing additional feedback, Open Houses are an integral part of our marketing plan.


open house jsrealty4uOpen houses bring people through your front door. Yes, some of those visitors will be people “just looking”, who have no intention of buying a home at the moment. However, they have friends, relatives, and co-workers that they might mention the home to. Open Houses also attract Buyers that are just starting out on their home search. A lot of new buyers like to get a feel for the area and what type of home they can afford by attending an Open House. A National Association of Realtors study revealed that 45% of home buyers used Open Houses as a source for information. Your open house may even convert one of those people who are “just looking” into an urgent Buyer if they really like what they see. The fact is – the more people that come through your home, the better chance you have to sell it.


open house jsrealtyOpen Houses provide great feedback to the listing Agent and the Seller. Whether it’s a neighbor or a potential Buyer, an experienced Agent is going to try to get as much feedback about the home as possible from the visitors. The kitchen may be updated but the bathrooms are smaller than the house a few doors down. Your yard is landscaped and well cared for, but the house across the street hasn’t seen a mower all season. Maybe last month 3 new families moved in, all with young children. This is the kind of additional feedback on the home and neighborhood that could possibly be helpful to the listing Agent and Seller. This is a great way to gauge the markets response to a home for sale.


There is a segment of the population that likes doing things “the old fashioned way.” They go out on Sundays and check out the homes in neighborhoods they are interested in. Believe it or not, not everyone wants to see a home exclusively online. Some people actually want to get out and see it for themselves, on their own. Pictures and virtual tours can only tell you so much. Viewing space, layouts, and getting an overall “feel” for the home is an important part of the buying process.


Ashburn Farm Preston Real Estate jsrealty4u open houseHaving your home on the market and keeping it ready for showings is not easy. You can possibly reduce the number of individual showings by holding an Open House. Your potential buyer might visit your home and therefore not need to schedule a private showing. This will mean one less appointment you would have to get ready for!


Holding an Open House can also be used successfully as a marketing tool. In today’s fast paced market Sellers need to use every tool available to them to get the best possible price for their home. And Open Houses are definitely one of the best tools at your disposal!

If you’re looking to buy or sell a home, Scott Koval and the JS Realty Team can help you find the best solution to your real estate needs! Contact Scott online or by calling 703-625-3446.


“Once you stop learning, you start dying”
Albert Einstein

The JS Realty team attended an amazing conference last week, the Digital Summit DC 2015. You may have even seen our posts and tweets about it as we happily shared information and photos. Our team focuses on staying educated in all areas of Real Estate. At this conference we filled our toolkit with leadership and practical solutions to super charge our customers experience.Digital Summit JSRealty4U

At this conference we learned about many topics ranging from “How to Make Email Awesome” to “Trends in User Experience”. The Summit included over 25 sessions on digital trends and best practices. We also had a chance to speak with and learn from many vendors to understand how their products could Digital Summit JSRealty4U JS Realty DC Conferencepotentially help our clients. The Digital Summit brought in speakers from some of the top corporations around the world, such as Forbes, Coca Cola, National Geographic, and many others to discuss a wide range of topics. This conference was attended by the world’s leading brands from CBS and CNN to IBM, and of course The JS Realty Team@ Samson Properties!

The JS Realty Team is constantly looking for ways to improve our clients home buying and selling experiences. In the upcoming months our clients will see the new platforms that we are putting in place to raise our customer service. Staying up to date on the latest trends and technology will help keep us on the forefront of the Real Estate industry.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about buying or selling a home, give us a call at 703-625-3446, or visit our website and check out our current inventory!

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If you are having to decide whether to Short Sell or let the bank Foreclose on your home, it’s pretty obvious that times are tough. You’re having to make some big decisions that will affect your future for a significant amount of time. Making the right choice for yourself and your situation will be key. The best place to start in knowing what is right for you is to understanding the difference between a short sale and a foreclosure.

To keep it simple, it means the act of selling short. In real estate terms it means that the borrower owes the lender more money for a property then they are able to get by selling it to the open market. For example, say you owe $300,000.00 for your property but the market says the property is only worth $250,000.00. This means you would be “short” $50,000.00 that you owe. Unless you have that amount laying around and are willing to pay the bank the $50,000.00 that you are short, then you are going to need to ask the lender if they are willing to allow you to sell your property as a “short sale” and forgive you the $50,000.00, plus closing cost that you owe.

This is the process of taking possession of a mortgaged property as a result of the mortgagor’s failure to keep up mortgage payments. If you can’t make your payments, the bank has come to take back the property to foreclose on it. This will mean you need a new place to live – more than likely sooner than later. Typically a big life event or change is in process, and this situation is not ideal.

So how does a short sale or foreclosure affect you long term, and what does it mean with regards to home ownership and credit in the near future? What about long term?

Below is a chart that shows the “basics” of the amount of time either of these options could affect you. Lending rules change regularly and everyone’s situation is different, so for exact information about how either of these may affect you, we recommend consulting with not only your realtor, but a lender too.

JS Realty Short Sale Years Chart

All in all, you really don’t want to have to face either of these situations, but as we all know, life happens. So, if you find yourself in a tough situation, it is key to contact a Realtor immediately and ask for some direct guidance on how to navigate what lies ahead.

The JS Realty Team specializes in short sales and we have a proven track record of success! If you or someone you know needs help, contact us! We are happy to help in any way that we can.

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The JS Realty Team – not only serving Brambleton, serving all of Northern Virginia


Just listed in Centreville, VA is this adorable 2 level, 2 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom townhome! This end unit is located at 14609 Cheverly Court. This home is close to major highways like Rte 28 and I-66 and is less than 2 miles from the Centreville Park & Ride. It’s an easy walk to shopping and dining at the Village Center, and a short drive to the Fair Oaks Mall.

For Sale Living Room CentrevilleTons of natural light fill the large living room, where you can access the huge fenced in backyard via sliding glass doors. The yard backs to common grounds for added privacy! The kitchen features a breakfast bar along with tons of counter and cabinet space. Plenty of shelves and a full size washer & dryer can be found in the laundry room. A half bathroom with single sink and designer light fixture can be found on the main level as well.

On the 2nd floor you’ll find the Master Bedroom and 2nd bedroom. Both bedrooms are spacious and boast wall-length closets and large windows that let in tons of natural light. The Master bath and 2nd full bathroom feature a shower/tub combination and designer light fixtures. A closet in the hallway is perfect for storage and linens.

This home is a great retreat after a long day of work! Give us a call at 703-475-1003 for your own private tour. 

JS Realty Free Analysis Contact UsThe JS Realty Team – not only serving Brambleton, serving all of Northern Virginia.


Just steps away from the Brambleton Town Center is our new listing at 42460 Legacy Park Drive!

JS Realty Legacy Park Dr - Living RoomThis elegant 3 level, 4 bedroom, 2 full and 1 half bathroom home in the Brambleton Community has over 3100 sqft of living space. Located across the street from Legacy Park, the open floor plan, high/vaulted ceilings, and huge windows keep this house feeling bright and spacious. Hardwood flooring, designer light fixtures, and ample storage areas can be found throughout the main level.

JS Realty Legacy Park Dr - Family RoomThe kitchen features granite counters, an island, a wine rack, and tons of cabinet space. Off the kitchen is a Breakfast Room and a Family Room with a stone surround gas fire place. Large windows allow tons of natural light into the living and dining rooms.

The 2nd level of the home features a HUGE Master Bedroom suite with high ceilings, large windows, and recessed lighting. 2 walk-in closets and 2 additional closets also feature a sitting area.  The Master Bath has a walk-in shower and separate 2 person tub, where you can watch your favorite show from the wall-JS Realty Legacy Park Dr - Loftmounted TV while you soak! An additional bedroom is also found on this level of the home.

The 3rd and 4th bedrooms are connected by a dual-entry full bathroom on the 3rd level of the home. In addition, the spacious loft is perfect for a movie or game night. The laundry room boasts full size washer and dryer and shelving for storage and supplies.

With a 2 car garage and just steps to shopping, dining, and entertainment, you’ll want to see this gorgeous Brambleton home in person. Give us a call today at 703-475-1003!

JS Realty Free Analysis Contact UsThe JS Realty Team – not only serving Brambleton, serving all of Northern Virginia.


JS Realty - 6068 Billingsgate - Front of HomeThe JS Realty Team is please to introduce you to our newest listing!
6068 Billingsgate Lane is located in the heart of Centreville, VA in the London Towne West Community. This townhome is filled with natural light and is a commuters dream! Just minutes from I-66, Routes 28, 29, & 50 and a short drive to shopping, restaurant & entertainment. It’s an easy walk to the London Towne Elementary School and Centreville’s Cub Run Trail System. 

JS Realty - 6068 Billingsgate - Kitchen 2Hardwood floors can be found throughout the main level. The kitchen features granite counter tops, plenty of cabinet space, and a custom backsplash. Recessed lighting and a breakfast bar complete this beautifully updated kitchen.

For Sale Centreville JSRealty4uSpacious family room has large windows that let in tons of natural light. The dining room boasts designer lighting and access to the fenced-in backyard.

Inside the Master bedroom is a huge closet, with a dual-entry Master Bathroom. 2nd bedroom features a large closet while the 3rd bedroom offers private access to a full bathroom.

The large Rec Room & Den are perfect for family movie night! A full bathroom and huge laundry room with shelving and extra storage can also be found on this level.

Don’t miss out on this charming townhome in Centreville, VA! Call us today at 703-475-1003 for a private tour!

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The JS Realty Team – not only serving Brambleton, serving all of Northern Virginia.


One of the questions Sellers ask us when placing their home on the market is, “How much are we going to sell my house for?” Naturally, all Sellers want their home to sell for the most money possible. That’s a great goal to have, and the JS Realty Team @ Samson Properties has some great tips on how to accomplish that goal.

5 Ways to Get Top Dollar For Your Home:

Meeting Realtor ContractsThis is arguably the single most important step. Your Agent needs to know the market and neighborhood very well. You’ll want to hire an Agent with a lot of experience, but in this industry, experience doesn’t equal years in business. What you want to look for is the number of transactions. Finding an Agent that has sold a lot of homes shows you that the agent is successful in selling homes and knows how to negotiate for you. Transaction Experience is the best way for an Agent to learn negotiating skills. Your Agent should also have an extensive marketing plan that includes professional photos, a virtual tour, social media platforms, and a strong web presence. Another important element of a strong listing Agent is monitoring feedback and communicating with you – the Seller.

PRICE YOUR HOME CORRECTLYJS Realty empty pocket shortIf you over price your home, you will reduce the number of showings with qualified, serious buyers – because they will know the neighborhood and market. Serious Buyers will have been tracking your neighborhood and today’s Buyers are in tune with the market value. We have heard Sellers say “Let’s just try this price and see what happens”. That strategy does not work well because the first two weeks the home is on the market is when the most buzz and excitement for the new listing is happening. If the Seller has overpriced the home, Buyers will look elsewhere and your listing will lose out on the initial enthusiasm. If the Seller stays overpriced for too long, then the listing becomes “stale” and that tends to encourage low ball offers.

JS Realty Rent Sell Landscape HomeThe old adage “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” is very apropos when selling your home. Make sure the front yard, front door, and surrounding area is in top condition. As the Buyer approaches your home and are waiting to get in, they are feeling their first impressions, so make it shine! If you are going to upgrade, concentrate on kitchens, baths, floors, and walls. These will give you the most bang for your buck. Inexpensive fixes like paint, replacing old drapes, replacing door handles, kitchen and bath hardware, light fixtures, and leaky, rusty faucets can go a long way on a tight budget. For more ideas on sprucing up your home check out last week’s blog!

JS Realty calendar close upIt seems like everyone these days has a crazy, busy schedule. It can be difficult, but if you make your home available for showings and try not to limit the showing times, that can go a long way towards finding the right Buyer and the right price! The key to getting a great contract is to have as many people as possible seeing your home. If you miss out on a Buyer because of restricted showing times, you could have missed your best offer.

JS Realty Samson Team Real Estate RealtorsWith over $200 million in sales, the JS Realty Team @ Samson Properties has the transaction experience, market knowledge and marketing program to help you achieve the goal of selling your home for top dollar. Our web strategy and social media campaign have helped hundreds of Sellers maximize their homes value.

Contact us today! We would be more than happy to show you our program for selling homes.

JS Realty Free Analysis Contact UsThe JS Realty Team – not only serving Brambleton, serving all of Northern Virginia